5 Reasons Why Thousands of People Work Out With Military Fitness! 💪

1. Designed by Special Forces, Yet Suitable For Everyone!

Military Fitness is the training method used by the US Army as well as other Armed Forces all around the world. The system utilizes short, intensive workouts in order to train combat forces like the Navy SEALs and MRSOC for their missions.

We at Combat Ready are a team of former soldiers who are now making this extremely efficient form of training available to the public. Anyone can train using military fitness methods. Age, gender, fitness level — these are no obstacle!

2. Build Real Muscle & Burn Fat!

Our Military Fitness programs went completely viral after word spread about how easy it is to build real, functional muscle and lose fat at the same time!

Military Fitness builds strength, endurance, and coordination using exercises that rely 100% on your own body weight. No personal weights necessary. You'll achieve an incredible state of physical well-being in no time while also becoming significantly more fit.

A mix of body-weight exercises, running sessions, and short marches will ensure you’re training in exactly the same way as special forces.

3. Save Up To $700 / Year!

The average American spends $700 (!) per year on their gym membership. That ends now!

If you want to kickstart your fitness journey with Military Fitness, all you need is a pair of running shoes, a jump rope, and our workout plan!

All exercises are performed using only your body weight. This means you not only save time but a lot of money as well!

4. Train Anytime Anywhere.

Who hasn’t been in this situation: You're on vacation or a business trip and either can't get to a gym, or the available equipment is out-of-date and inadequate. It’s a real let down!

Military Fitness can be done anytime, anywhere: at the beach, in a foreign city, or in the comfort of your own home.

5. For Beginners & Advanced Athletes!

Not sure if Military Fitness is right for you? No worries! We have different plans for all fitness levels. Whether you're a beginner or a professional athlete, you'll find the right training program with us.

Detailed explanations, illustrated guides, and our support will help you finally achieve your fitness goals!

And what do our 10,000+ athletes say about our fitness plans?

I am really thrilled!

At first I was super skeptical. I've read a lot about fitness plans that make big promises. I’m not a person who’s easily convinced. But the Combat Ready plans delivered on their word! I started with the recruit and eventually worked my way up to the marine. Soon I’ll be ready to take on the SEAL.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Andy L.

Why didn't that exist earlier?

I have been looking for a fitness plan like this for years. I just wanted something that didn’t require all this extra stuff but was serious enough to help me train like they do in the military. As a woman it’s nice to find a program that doesn’t treat me differently. With Combat Ready I can be as fit as anybody.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sophia R.

Great gift idea

I got The Recruit first for myself. A friend of mine kept borrowing it so I ended up just getting him the whole set for his birthday lol. It’s great because now we can train wherever we are and compare our progress. Next we’re gonna try to tackle the marine together…

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tim C.

😱 For limited time only:
30% Discount!
Get your start in the world of Military Fitness with our starter set.
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